1. Write down the definition of computer?
Ans. Definition of Computer:
A computer is an electronic device that can accept raw data from the user, manipulates the same based on a set of instruction called ‘programme’ and finally gives us a meaningful result.

2. Write down the four advantages of Computer?
Ans. Advantages of Computer:
1. Speed
2. Accuracy
3. Diligence
4. Versatility

3. What are the limitations of computer?
Ans. There are some limitations of computer, they are stated bellow:
1. Lack of intelligence
2. Need of environment like:
a) A fixed temperature range
b) Dust free atmosphere
c) Steady and non- fluctuating power supply
3. Need to learn special language

4. What are the Classifications of computer?
Ans. Classifications of computer:



Analogue Digital Hybrid


Micro computer

Mini computer

Mainframe computer

Super computer

5. Write down the differences between analogue and digital computer?


1. Operates on physical quantities, temp, pressure watt.
2. It can measure only.
3. High storage capacity.
4. Less accurate.
5. Need continuous data.

1. Operates on discrete quantities like amount, name.
2. It can count.
3. Relatively less storage capacity.
4. More accurate.
5. Need discrete data.

6. What are the different types of digital computers?
Ans. The different types of digital computers are:
a) Micro computer
b) Mini computer
c) Mainframe computer
d) Super computer

7. What is called hardware?
Ans. Hardware:
The physical components of computer are called hardware. Such components may be electronic, electrical, magnetic, mechanical or optical. The examples are key board, mouse, printer, hard disk, floppy disk etc. but hardware can not do anything of its own.

8. How many types of software are there?
Ans. There are basically two types of software, these are ---
System software & Application software

üApplication Software:

Application software is a set of programs design to carry out operations for specific applications. For example every month a payroll packages produces the pay slips for the workers of a company. Application software is often called packages.

üSystem software:

System software or system packages are sets of one or more programs that are basically designed to control the operation of a computer system. They are general programs written to assist user while working in computer.

9. What is called firmware?
Ans. Firmware: There is some software that is written inside the computer hardware by the manufacturer of the hardware to make the computer more users friendly. Software which is permanently installed in hardware is called firmware. It is a combination of software and hardware.

10. What is the full form of ASCII?
Ans. The full form of ASCII is American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

11. What do you mean by EBCDIC code?
Ans. The EBCDIC code is a code used to represent characters by the computer system. The full name of EBCDIC is Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

12. Write short notes on input device.
Ans. Input device:
Input devices are the peripheral devices by which data and instructions are input into the computer system.
The examples of input devices are:
· Key board
· Mouse
· Touch screen
· Light pen
· Scanner
· OMR (Optical Mark Reader)
· Joystick etc.

13. What is called VDU? Write something on it.
Ans. VDU or Monitor:
Monitor is a popular output device. Visual Display Unit (VDU) which is commonly known as monitor is used to display a wide variety of information such as text, pictures, graphics, video, animation etc. it is just like TV set. Monitor is of different types, such as:
1) Monochrome (Black & White)
2) Color etc.

14. Write short notes on various types of printer.
Ans. Printer:
It is also an output device that is used to print documents on paper. There are so many kinds of printers available in the market. They are as follows:
üImpact printer: Dot matrix, drum printer, chain printer
üNon-impact printer: Inkjet, Desk jet, Bubble jet, Laser printer

15. What is the full form of CPU?
Ans. The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.

16. What are the three main parts of CPU?
Ans. The three main parts of CPU are as follows,---
i. Arithmetic Logic Unit or ALU
ii. Control Unit or CU &
iii. Main memory

17. In how many types you can divide the memory?
Ans. Memory is mainly divided into two types –
a) Primary memory or main memory
b) Secondary memory or external memory
The example of primary memory is RAM, ROM. &
The example of secondary memory is hard disk, floppy disk, compact disk etc.

18. What is RAM? What is the function of RAM?
Ans. RAM or Random Access Memory:
RAM is a part of primary memory that is used by the computer to perform all jobs supplied by the user. The user can write to it or can read the contents from it. This type of memory works very fast, but the contents of RAM get erased whenever you switched off the system. That is why RAM is considered to be a volatile memory.

RAM is of two types: a) static RAM
b) dynamic RAM

19. What are the differences between RAM & ROM?


1. Read writes memory.
2. Semi conductor.
3. Volatile.
4. Can be used by the user programs and system program.

1. Only can be read.
2. Semi conductor memory
3. Non volatile.
4. Cannot be used for user programs.

20. What is ROM? What are the functions of ROM?
Ans. ROM or Read Only Memory:
As the name implies that this memory is read only, we can not write or delete anything from ROM. The contents of ROM are pre-written by the manufacturers and permanent in nature. That is why this memory is known as non-volatile memory. There is a special type of ROM whose contents are not pre-written by the manufacturers, user can

store their own programs on it. These are called PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory). Another type PROM is available where the user can erase the contents and rewrite as many times he/she wants. They are called EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

21. What are the functions of ALU?
Ans. Functions of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):
1) Basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
2) Logic operations such as AND, OR etc.
3) Memory operations such as store, read etc.
4) Sending the information to the required path.

22. What is the full form CU? Describe some of its activities?
Ans. The full form of CU is Control Unit. The activities of CU are stated bellow:
Function of Control Unit (CU):
1) Obtaining information from one or more sources like keyboard, mouse etc.
2) Presenting the date and instructions to the appropriate device for processing.
3) Presenting the processed data to the appropriate device.

23. What short notes on compact disk?
Ans. CD or Compact Disk:
It is called WORM (Write Once Read Many). Its capacity is approx. 650 M.B. it is more durable than other external memory. It is small in size and portable in nature. It can store a large amount of data like text, image, movie-clips etc.

24. What are the examples of external memory?
Ans. The examples of external memory are hard disk, floppy disk, compact disk etc.

25. What is memory?
Ans. Memory:
The storage device or memory is used for storing. The memory which is inside the CPU is called main memory or primary or internal memory. The memory which is outside the CPU is known as secondary or external memory.

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